Home-The Leverstock Green Players

*** LATEST NEWS 10th July ***


DATES 19th, 20th (sold out), 26th & 27th (limited availability)


TICKETS REMAIN AT £10 AND CAN BE ORDERED ONLINE VIA www.ticketsource.co.uk/leverstockgreenplayers or by calling the box office on 0333 6663366
We are looking for new members to join our cast.  If you are interested in treading the boards get in touch.  Rehearsals for our next show will begin at the end of August.

For general information and enquiries please call either of the numbers below:-

07909 987897 or 07591 039035 / or mail lgplayers@sky.com



10/07/24 - Just over a week until opening night.  First Saturday is sold out, not many tickets left for the second Saturday.  Friday tickets still available.  We will also be performing a few songs from the show at the Leverstock Green Fete on Saturday in the hall at 1.30 and 2.30, so if you want a little stripped back preview pop in and see us.

30/05/24 - Tickets for "One Hell Of A Show" in July are now on sale.  See details above or go to the ticket page.

12/02/24 - Our next show, "One Hell Of A Show" will be in July.  Please keep an eye on the website, or social media, for ticket information around May.

04/02/24 - We raised £660 for SANDS over the 4 nights of our show.  Thankyou to everyone who came and supported us and brought raffle tickets/made donations.

24/01/24 - Only 2 days until opening nights.  We have a few tickets left for the opening weekend, so get in quick if you want to come and see this fabulous show.

04/12/23 - Tickets are now on sale for our next show.  Please note that for the first 2 perfomances we are trialling a different table layout, so if you would prefer sitting at an individual table rather than the long rows give it a go and let us know your views.  Our chosen charity for this show will be SANDS - Stillbirth and Neonatel Death Charity, as always any money taken on the raffle or via donations on the door will be passed on.

01/08/23 - We are now on a break for the summer following our Murder Mystery evenings in July.  It wasn't our usual affair, but was very enjoyable and well received by all those who attended.  Well done to anyone who figured it out.  Rumours are now abound that we may well look to do another one sometime in 2024!!!

02/06/23 - Tickets are now sales for our Murder Mystery evening in July.  If you fancy something a little different from us then please books some tickets and see if you can figure out who done.  Likely to be a fun and chaotic evening!!

10/02/23 - Thankyou for supporting our show "Welcome To The Stage".  We have had some wonderful feeback which is fantastic.  We raised £800 for Charlie's Gift, which is brilliant, so thankyou again for donations and supporting this great charity.  

We will not be performing our usual show in the Summer, but will be back in January.  In the meantime we will performing some Murder Mystery evenings in July, so keep an eye out on here and social media.  We hope you can join us for something a little different.

16/01/23 - Less than 2 weeks until opening night, and without blowing our own trumpets, we have a really good show on our hands.  Still plenty of availability for the first weekend, please come and support us if you can.  If you've never seen us before take a punt, we're sure you won't be disappointed.

16/12/22 - That's a wrap for 2022, we are now on a break until the new year.  We hope you and your families have a great Christmas and new year and we hope to see you in 2023 for our next show.  Thankyou for your continued support.

13/11/22 - Tickets are now on sale for "Welcome To The Stage", to book go to www.ticketsource.co.uk/leverstockgreenplayers

 - Well the Summer break is finally over and rehearsals start this evening for our next show "Welcome To The Stage".  This will be a mix of some great musical songs and also some well know pop songs.  There will also be a good dose of new comedy that we haven't performed before.  It promises to be another fantastic show, so please keep an eye on the website for ticket information later in the year.

27/07/22 - Another show done.  Thankyou to everyone who came to support us, it was a lot of fun, if not extremely hot on the stage, but we do appreciate you coming along to watch all our hard work.  We raised a fantastic £527 for the Cleft Lip and Palate Association, so again thanks for all your donations.  We are now having a break for a few weeks before we crack on with rehearsals for our next show which will be at the end of January.  We hope to see you there.

20/07/22 - The first weekend of our summer show was a huge success and very well received by the audience.  If you don't want to miss out then get in quick as we have very limited availability for the final Friday and nothing for Saturday.  We are also very grateful that it has cooled down!!!!

08/07/22 - One week until opening night.  With recent covid cases and a cast injury it's been an interesting final run of rehearsals, but we are pretty much good to go and looking forward to performing once more, although the forecasted heatwave could make things fun up on stage!  We are pretty much sold out now for the final night, but still have good availability for the other performances, so please do try and join us for a great show.  There will be a selection of the cast performing on the stage during the Fete at the hall on the 9th July, so pop in and see what we are all about.

24/06/22 - Just 3 weeks now until opening night, shaping up to be another great evening of entertainment.  All music in the show is colour related (song title or artist) and some of the comedy is just, well, colourful.  If you've never seen us before, please give us a go, you may be pleasantly surprised.

01/06/22 - We've added a selection of new and old show pictures to the gallery if you want to take a look and see what we are about.

26/04/22 - Tickets for A Burst Of Colour are now sale.  Click on the link in the image above or visit the ticket page for more details.

06/02/22 - That's a wrap!  What a fantastic return to the stage.  We had 4 sold out performances, give or take a ticket or two.  Every audience was so supportive and it was brilliant to be back peforming.  Thank you all so much for your generous donations and raffle ticket purchases.  As such we raised just over £900 for Chron's & Colits UK which will be deligthted to hand over.  Hope to see you all again in July for our next show.  Remember to drop a note if you want to join the mailing list for early notification of tickets going on sale.

01/02/22 - We are now fully sold out for the second weekend run which is fantasitc news, thanks again for supporting us.  We may possibly get some tickets freed up last minute, so if you are desperate to see the show please drop us a line.  If you want to avoid missing out on our next show please send a mail to lgplayers@sky.com to join our mailing list.

31/01/22 - Well that's the first weekend over and what fantastic return to the stage it was.  Pretty much sold out both nights and the audience was very lively and supportive, thankyou for all the really nice feedback we've received.  We are now sold out for the 4th Feb, and as of today have just 1 ticket left for the 5th.  Any worries we had about struggling to fill the hall whilst we are still going through this pandemic have been unfounded and we gratefully appreciate all your support in helping us to keep the group going.  Onwards and upwards!!!

25/01/22 -Only a few days now until opening night, the cast are raring to go and just a few final preparations before we are back on stage.  There are still tickets available for all nights, although some are close to sold out.  Please visit the ticket site on the link above for further details.

17/01/22 - First Sunday rehearsal completed and only 11 days now until opening night.  Not many tickets left for the second weekend, but still good availability for the first weekend.  Visit www.ticketsource/leverstockgreenplayers to order tickets.